AdsOptimal Review (SCAM Alert)- Google Adsense Alternative

If you have tried many times and done so many different things to get Google AdSense account but failed for whatever reasons, it’s time for you to explore different ad solutions.

Previously I’ve summarized 15+ Best Google Adsense Alternatives to Monetize Your Blog in 2016. that are alternatives to AdSense. However, at the present, Some of them not works well on some sites for various reasons (security bug, payment issue, or don’t work well with international websites).

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But don’t be worried, because I’ve found a solution. And it works even better. And that’s AdsOpitmal.

SCAM ALERT: Many users marked this network as SPAM, Please don’t join this network.

Our This written review is old, But now we request our users to not use this network.

What is AdsOptimal?

AdsOptimal is Best Adsense Alternatives ad network, built in 2012. Its headquarter is in San Francisco, California, USA. They are a partner of many well-known ad networks, including Google AdSense, DoubleClick (by Google), Criteo … So, you can be assured of quality of their advertisements.

Why AdsOptimal?

The reasons I recommend using AdsOptimal as Google AdSense alternatives are:

  • Their ad sources are trustworthy. You will often see campaigns from well-known providers. You will not find malicious ads here.
  • Easier registration process. You will hear from them in 1 to 2 business days.
  • Accept both US and international websites.
  • Once your account is approved, you will receive $5 bonus credit. If you are given a premium account, you will receive an additional $5. Namely, you will be rewarded $10-$15 in total after placing ad code.
  • Minimum payment is $50. (Google AdSense is $100). Accept payment via Paypal (Google doesn’t support Paypal.)
  • Commission is calculated based on ad impressions. That is if your site has a higher number of page views, the more money you will make.
  • Support multiple ad sizes, optimize for both mobile devices and desktop. Plugins are also available.
  • A competitive referral program. 10% commission for a whole year if your friends successfully become AdsOptimal’s publishers.

How to register and make money with AdsOptimal?

  1. First, you need to create an AdsOptimal account. Click on the “Sign Up Now”. A registration form will appear, then fill out the form.
adsoptional signup

After typing email, password, full name, accept agreement terms, then click“Submit.”

  1. You will land on a welcome page, as shown below. Click on “Go to Get Code” to continue.
AdsOptimal registration
  1. On your dashboard, enter your blog/website under “Add sites to your account,” hit “Search” and wait. AdsOptimal will crawl Alexa Rank and Google Page Rank. Once it’s done, an “Add” button will appear.
  2. Your will hear from AdsOptimal in 1-3 business days. If your site meets their requirement, you will receive a notification email similar to this:
AdsOptimal mail

Please click on the link “invitation link here” and fill in the necessary information to complete the registration. The invitation form is translated into local language so you should be able to fill it easily.

  1. Continue to wait until you receive a confirmation email and the access to the ad codeadsoptional confirmation mail
  2. Get your ad code on dashboard. Click on the “Get Code.”
  3. The “Get Code” page looks like this:
adsoptional ads code

You select one from the available ad units, copy ad code and paste it in your page’s HTML source code.

  1. You will receive an email notification confirming the ad implementation and credited a $5 bonus to your account.
adsoptional ad bonus
  1. The bonus amount will be under “ Pending status”, and you can also see it in the “Insights section” or “Payout.”adsoptional insight

Note: AdsOptimal has similar violation policy as that of Google AdSense. Also, AdsOptimal does not accept adult, illegal, and vulgar content websites.


Scam Network

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Abhay Pratap Singh
Abhay Pratap Singh
Abhay Pratap Singh is Digital Entrepreneur, Who is Making Money From the Internet since 2012. He Also Works as a Freelancer and Does Web and Mobile app Development. Apart from That, He Invests in Stock Market and Crypto Currencies. Here in iTechCube, Writes about Blogging, WordPress Guides, and Tutorials to help begginers.


  1. hello sir my adsoptimal account is approved
    but i am unable to display ads in my blog eventhough i added codes to my blog in head and body sections


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This network is Scam Ad Network, Who are not paying their publisher money.AdsOptimal Review (SCAM Alert)- Google Adsense Alternative
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