We already shared guide to Make money from youtube videos. Making money from YouTube Videos is depend on video views. If you have created YouTube channel and uploaded some videos but not getting views.
So today we are going to talk about How to Get More Views for your YouTube Videos quickly. YouTube is one of the biggest money making platform in the internet, but many of the YouTube users are struggling to earn money because of their poor performance. No need to worry about it now, because the following ideas are help increase youtube views.

1. Upload Quality Videos:
YouTube users are always prefer High Quality videos, because it will give full satisfaction to users when watching them. So upload Quality videos and get more views automatically.
2. Give Proper Title :
After the uploading give a suitable title for your video, it can be up to 60 characters. Always give a fresh title for new videos, don’t use already used titles. Make keyword research and select Title, because the title is the one the important factor in the search.
3. Write Clear Description :
Description is another important point in the search results. So write some brief description about your video, it can be up to 2 paragraphs. Use Related words about your video.
4. Use Keywords in “Tags” :
Tags are the keywords of a Video, so select different tags from your title and description. You can use multiple tags in a single video.
5. Channel Name :
Channel name is one the factor for more views of YouTube videos. Because short and simple channel names are easy to remember. So if you have a short name in channel you will get repeated visitors then the views will be increased.
6. Get More Subscribers :
If you have a more subscribers for your Youtube Channel it is easy to get views for every new video. Because the subscribers can get every upload from your channel.
7. Share videos in Forums :
You can get views for your videos by sharing the videos in forums. But remember before post in forums you must be a member of the forum.
8. Add videos in Blogs & Websites :
It is another way for getting views for your videos. If you own a blog or wordpress website you can get views by embedded and add your youtube videos into your blog.
9. Use Social Networks :
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus are the helpful platform for increase video views. If you have a strong friends circle, you can get more views by sharing videos in your profile.
10. Send Videos to Your Friends :
Send your YouTube videos to your friend by Email. If you have a bulk Email list you will get some decent Views for your Videos.
11. Have a touch with YouTube friends :
if you want to famous in youtube you must have a touch with youtube friends. Watch latest updates from your friends, like and comment their videos, so they are watch your videos regularly.
12. Use “Annotations” feature :
Annotations is a features that helps to increase your video views by link your video one to another. So you can link a related videos in a single video screen.
13. Use Facebook Fan Page :
Facebook Fan Page is one the best advantage for getting traffic or video views. Create a new page ( How to Create Facebook Fan Page or Business Page) for your videos and share your videos in that page. The video views will be automatically increased.
14. Response to Popular Videos :
Make Response to already Popular videos by Response features in YouTube. If your response will be approved you will get tons of views for your videos.
15. Upload Beautiful “Thumbnails” :
Everyone want to choose beautiful thumbnail for new video, because thumbnails are the first impression for the videos. But YouTube have only 3 images from your video for thumnail. If you want to select amazing thumbnail, you can insert a image from your computer.
16. Buy Video Views :
You can buy Views for your Youtube Videos. There are thousand of websites in internet are providing this features.
17. Get Free Video Views :
And also lot of websites are providing these features in internet. You can get free views by your points.
18. Allow Comment Box :
Allow comment box in every new uploads. It helps to reach your videos easily.
19. Upload Original Videos :
Don’t upload fake videos in YouTube it will waste the users time, and also it make anger to the visitors. So upload Original videos regularly.
20. Add Related Music :
YouTube allows users to upload slid-show videos. If you want upload those types of videos must add a music clips, which is related your video.