Have you ever found a picture on a website, but found it to be fairly low resolution? Â You like the picture, but want something a little larger. Â There are two best method to find duplicate or similar photos on internet.
- TinEye
- Google search by image
TinEye is a fantastic website that lets you either upload an image from your hard drive, or point it to a picture on the Web (by entering the URL for the picture), and then finds duplicates or similar images from its large image database.  There are web browser extensions that let you use TinEye simply by right-clicking the image and accessing the service via the contextual menu. Still, as useful as TinEye is, and as large as its database is (as of July 29, the TinEye image database contains nearly 2 billion images).[ads1]
Run a reverse image search on Tineye.com. Upload or paste a link to the photo for which you want to search, and click “Search.
” Click on a possible match (if any were found) and click “Switch” to toggle between your image and the matching image. Tineye displays the URL next to each thumbnail in the list of search results.
Also google search by image is a best way to find duplicate images.
 Perform a reverse image search using Google’s “Search by Image” option. Navigate to the Google Images website and click the camera icon in the search bar. Upload or enter the URL for an image, and then click “Search.” Results are separated into identical matches and visually similar matches, with thumbnails and links to each site
I didn’t find any post about duplicate image before i landed on your post.
Thanks a lot. Tine eye is great.