Why Your Business Needs Mobile SEO? Reasons Explained

Google recently announced that mobile search volume is expected to exceed desktop search volume by 2016. Today’s generation is the generation of Smartphones where from online shopping to business everything can be done in Smartphones. So it’s increasingly important for small or large businesses to have a mobile-friendly website. Not only can it help customers reach you more easily when they’re on the go, but it will soon impact search engine optimization.

Statics shows that more than half of internet users use their smartphones to go online. Consumers will choose your product, services and company over your competitors only if you provide them with the best mobile experience possible.

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Optimizing your Website for Mobile is must for your business.

Benefits of Mobile SEO for Business:-

Improved User Experience: – “beauty is not in the eye of the web designer,’ I say that the beauty of well-optimized and designed website lies in its user-friendly interface and well organized structure. And the benefit of well-optimized design comes in the form of results that more number of users viewing the website when it is well optimized.

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If your website is not optimized for mobiles, then due to lack of compatibility with mobiles you are likely to loose most of your business

Better Google Rankings: – In order to improve the google ranking of your mobile app on search result page, you must consider the most important ranking factor in SEO that is to improve user experience by making your website well optimized and well-designed and mobile friendly with well-optimized SEO ways. To achieve high rankings, it is imperative that your website is Multi-Platform compatible. Responsive websites are titled with better rankings in Google.

Brand and Reputation Building: – “The most important thing to remember is you must know your audience” Brand image is the overall impression of your business. People identify you with your brand name and with the services you provide them. Websites are the reflection of your image. It completely flaunts your image in the form of text, pictures, videos, etc.

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If your website is well optimized and designed according to mobile way then they will regularly visit your website and mobile is a handy gadget and if you combine the internet with that then it becomes your tool of doing everything through one touch.

Why your business needs Mobile SEO:

  • Because Your Customers do “Google” Everything
  • Because Your Customers Buy from Mobile more than Desktop.
  • Because Customer Buy When They Want To.
  • And Finally, Because Google Says So

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Ashish Sharma
Ashish Sharma
Ashish Sharma is Key Account Management, Marketing Strategies and building new business tie ups at WeDigTech – Mobile App Development Company in India. Focused on helping enterprises &StartUps– from domestic to MNCs.


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